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Women’s empowerment, Education, Yoga, Rural Transformation, Health & Wellbeing, Wisdom, Livelihood Training
The ShaktiJagran Project is PRESENCE Foundation’s 360 degree social outreach program at the heart of which lies the concept that female empowerment begins with self-knowledge.
“Awaken! A Golden Age of true equality between the masculine and the feminine has begun!”
Maharishikaa Preeti
The PRESENCE Foundation weaves into all its programs the active implementation of self-knowledge as the most effective starting point for true women’s empowerment.
Through the self-confidence born of self-knowledge, the girl child grows into a powerful adult capable of holding her own in society, whilst expressing her true feminine nature.
In tune with the nurturing nature of the female, and in tune with The PRESENCE Foundation’s Gender Equality mandate, vulnerable male youth also have access to these social outreach programs.
#scienceforgirls #womensempowerment #ruraltransformation
The PRESENCE Foundation raises funds to offer scholarships to girl children and female youth. In the various social outreach programs, livelihood training of young women in English language, writing skills, cooking, accounting, computers, photography, graphic design, communication, personal assistant training, public speaking, team-work, inventorization, logistics, and driving is offered.
#femalepower#swachhbharat #volunteering #communityoutreach
Scholarships for self-knowledge, self-empowerment, socio-economic self-empowerment, personality development and yoga camps are provided for free to young women from varying socio-economic backgrounds.
#stationery #girlseducation #incentive
In tune with Maharishikaa Preeti’s instructions, women are given key roles in all The PRESENCE Foundation’s programs and initiatives, like the Environmental Conservation BanyanTamarind Initiative, the Mental Fitness PRESENCEHappenings, the Health related PreetiYoga and the Water project TransformingWaters, thus building their community presence, self-knowledge and thus leadership skills.
#shaktijagran #scholarshipsforwomen #againstallodds
If you wish to develop a livelihood skill through training with The PRESENCE Foundation, or,
if you wish to be a livelihood skill trainer, please contact us.
Attract the protection of Punya, just as your ancestors did.
Make a Donation to enable livelihood training for one youngster.
Make a difference.